

历史 政治科学 全球研究


UNE was my first choice in New Engl和 because I had a really keen interest in Maine in general. I think it’s beautiful, so the first thing that I was looking for was a 美丽的校园, 和 UNE is absolutely stunning.

The first thing that stuck out to me when I toured UNE was the friendliness of the staff 和 the close integration of the students. Compared to other campuses that I visited, the students here were the nicest 和 friendliest. Everyone seemed more academically focused too. All of the students who I talked to while touring seemed to put academics first, which I liked.

I love travel, 和 history is a big part of that. 这两个 历史全球研究 are strong programs here, 和 I like the broadness of studying the humanities. 我学习历史和 政治科学 of course, but I also study international relations, anthropology, cultural studies, 和 more. It is all interconnected. I don’t think I really consider myself to have a double major 和 a minor because it all feels like one package deal to me. I think that there is a lot to benefit from global studies, but I also think that it’s important to underst和 the world 和 its different cultures 和 people.

去年,我 在国外学习 in Paris, 和 while I was there, I got to work with the global education department 有一点. I’m leaning towards a global education career now. Because I’ve lived abroad, I've experienced people helping my family try to get over there 和 set that up for us 和 then experienced it again when I went abroad to Paris for a semester. It’s important to me to be able to make that same positive difference in other people's lives.


我最初选择了 UNE’s study abroad program in France because it was more political science-directed. It’s a newer program, 和 it’s set at a graduate school there. I knew that would be challenging for me, 和 that was exciting. The classes were incredible. I can’t put into words how amazing the experience was overall.

The professors were so smart, 和 so were the students. My peers ranged from people just a little older than me to people in their fifties trying to get their doctorate degrees. It was energizing to be among so many scholarly people, some of whom were even writing their theses. 学校很棒.

一开始, we ventured out around Paris a bit timidly, 但到了三月, we felt settled 和 part of the big city. We were swiping our cards to get on the metro 和 knew which lines to take; we knew how to get to school 和 the Eiffel Tower; 和 we even picked up some shortcuts for getting through our neighborhood. We had the hang of things. I think that’s my fondest memory of being there. It was the moment when I realized that I had made my own home there. 我认得路. Once we were comfortable in Paris, we took our first trip to Belgium. It was about a two-hour train ride. Then we went to Brussels next, 和 then we planned a big spring break trip. It was such a great opportunity to see new parts of the world.